New releases for all those historical romance lovers out there. Lots of great ones to choose from. But don’t disregard that cozy mystery – Rose Pressey writes amazing stories.

April 28, 2020

Title: The Virgin and the Rogue
Author: Sophie Jordan
Series: Rogue Files #6
Genre: Historical Romance

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Title: A Duke by Any Other Name
Author: Grace Burrowes
Series: Rogues to Riches #2
Genre: Historical Romance

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Title: A Duke Too Far
Author: Jane Ashford
Series: The Way to a Lord’s Heart #4
Genre: Historical Romance

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Title: Murder Can Confuse Your Chihuahua
Author: Rose Pressey
Series: A Haunted Craft Fair Mystery #2
Genre: Cozy Mystery

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Title: A Wicked Wedding
Author: Laura Trentham
Series: Spies and Lovers #5
Genre: Historical Romance

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